I am reading 'Start small, stay small'
- Vision, visionary, visionarist.
- Make a plan, a path - realism, real, reality.
- Execute the plan and measure the progress - think when work:
“Discipline is the practice of doing the same thing regardless of the outcome. That isn’t efficient, and you know it! Instead, put your energy into being consistent – doing one small thing today that sets you up for big success tomorrow.”
“You never run out of ideas or energy, you love learning new things, and mundane tasks drive you crazy.”
“As far back as you can remember, you’ve struggled with discipline. Keeping consistent with your workout, your diet, your career, and even your education has always been hard. After all, it gets boring to do the same thing over and over again! So people call you unreliable; call you a flake; they tell you to focus or ’get serious.’ But your problem isn’t discipline at all…”