
  1. Buy a domain in Route 53.
  2. Log in Github -> Pages.
  3. Create a new repo for the website, select deploying from the branch and check how it works under <username><your-repository-name> .
  4. Add required records/name servers to Route 53.
  5. Add the custom domain to Github Pages (it will also create CNAME record in your code).
  6. When DNS is confirmed, turn on HTTPS on Github Pages.
  7. Install jekyll and bundle.
  8. To run and check the website locally run the command bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload.
  9. Install plugins and the selected theme.
  10. Add an initial post.
  11. Create a new project with jekyll under the repository.
  12. If everything works fine locally, commit and push to the repo to verify under the custom domain.
  13. [Optionally] Add a contact form with